50th of Jerusalem calendar- 5% is donated to children of Sderot

50th of Jerusalem calendar- 5% is donated to children of Sderot
The price in shekels: 70 and in dollars including shipping is $30.

Friday, June 8, 2012

It is summer and get your barbeques out and party!!!!!

Hi all of you blog lovers out there. I am sorry I have not had a new blog in quite some time. Well, I am back with a new blog for you. I hope you enjoy it.
This blog is entitled: Barbeque at Yitzhak's home

Now, you can see who was there. If you were not in the pictures then I guess you were not on the guest list. Maybe next time.
Let the barbeque begin:

This is a reunion barbeque from The Thrift we worked at.
In the picture is: Bernie, in the blue and white shirt ( he was the manager of the thrift shop). In the middle is David. He helped out alot in the store and a big supporter of it staying open. He is our entertainment for the evening. The young lady in the pink is Bernie's daughter.

 Here is Bernie again. Bernie used to bring music and play it in the shop and people would really getting into their work or serious finding something to buy. Noami is the one in black in the picture. Noami was a volunteer in the shop. She worked very hard. It is hard to tell what Bernie is thinking here.

 This is Moshe, his wife and his son. Moshe is the son of Erica. You will see pictures of Erica. Bernie, Erica and I were the paid staff at the store.
What a nice looking family. They are nice too.

 We have a new person to add here. You remember Bernie and Noami. Well, the one it looks like thinking about something Bernie said by closing her eyes is Nechama. She was one of our volunteers in the store. She worked very hard. 

 This is Chaim. He is Nechama's husband. Notice the big smile on his face. He was appointed Chef in charge of the mangal. He must be happy that he was chosen for that job. I think he is missing something. I will go away a minute and see if I can find what is missing here. Don't go away. Just hum a song or doodle.
I am back. I have what was missing on Chaim.

Here is the picture with what was missing:

 Now, isn't that better with the hat on?

You have Noami already, but, don't remember if you met Erica. The one pointing her finger is Erica. Do you remember the picture of the nice family before? The guy in the picture is Erica's son and the little boy is her grandson and the lady is her daughter-in-law. It looks like Erica wants to say something, but, don't know what it is.

 A barbeque is not a barbeque unless you have a group picture. It seems like we are missing five people. David, you saw him in the first picture with his guitar and mouth open. No, he was not trying to catch flies. He was singing to the camera. I am not in the picture because I am taking it and Erica's son and daughter-in-law are in the the picture and neither is Chaim, he was our chef and had the hat to prove it, but, we have Yitzhak in it. You have not met him before. He is on the end next to Bernie. So, say: "Hi Yitzhak and thank very much for this nice barbeque."

A barbeque would not be a barbeque without the food. Is your mouth watering already? Maybe you want to reach through the picture and take something to eat. 
Well, now it is time to say goodbye till the next time and go home. Bye for now.

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