50th of Jerusalem calendar- 5% is donated to children of Sderot

50th of Jerusalem calendar- 5% is donated to children of Sderot
The price in shekels: 70 and in dollars including shipping is $30.

Sunday, July 21, 2013

Welcome to the 19th Maccabiah Games here in Israel

Hello everyone,
Well, we have finished the 3 weeks and 9 days before Tisha B'Av and then Tisha B'Av itself. We went through a mourning period for our lost Temples and other horrible things that happened to the Jewish People.
Now, we are celebrating our Maccabiah Games or Jewish Olympics here in Israel, which started on Thursday night with the opening ceremony in Jerusalem, our capital. As far as I know this is the first time that the Maccabiah Games started off in Jerusalem.
This is the 19th one and 9,000 Jewish athletes from 78 countries are participating and people used to say that we were just the People of The Book, but, we are very talented in other things as well.
The first Maccabiah Games were in 1932 and they are held here in Israel every 4 years.
It is very exciting time for people to see what a beautiful country this is. I have wanted to go see the games in person, but, instead I think I may watch them in the comfort of my own home.
Well, for those of you visiting us for the first time and many times you can see how our country has grown and gets more modern all the time. So, when you are not at the games you should take a look around, who knows maybe instead of leaving you may want to stay and live the rest of your lives here in your homeland.
You never know what will happen.
I hope everyone enjoys the games and has a great time here in Israel.

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