50th of Jerusalem calendar- 5% is donated to children of Sderot

50th of Jerusalem calendar- 5% is donated to children of Sderot
The price in shekels: 70 and in dollars including shipping is $30.

Friday, September 1, 2017

This is a blog to let people know that anyone can make a comment here on any of my blogs

Hello again,
This is a very short blog. 
I just wanted to let people know that anyone can make a comment on my blog. It is open to anyone now and do not need special permission. I want you to know that I will be reviewing the comments and if something is not to my liking it will be deleted. So, please tone down your
Thank you,


  1. wow that is a AWESOME there's so much to read & learn about your city, town,
    country I didn't really go through it all but I bet I will to learn more about it.

  2. Thank you so much for your response to my post. I am glad you enjoyed it. I look forward to more comments from you on other blogs I write.
